Assembly April 2016

01 May 2016

The Annual General Assembly Club Nàutic Costa Brava-Club Vela Palamós was held on 16th April.


Signature of the agreement between the City Council and the CNCB

01 May 2016

Palamós City Council and CNCB/CVP have signed a new agreement for the 18th Edition of the Municipal School Programme- Introduction to Sailing for the school year 2015-2016 during School hours. The signature of the agreement was made by the Mayor of  Palamós, Lluís Puig and the President of CNCB, Eduard Sallés, accompanied by the City Council Sports Delegate, Joan Barba.


From the youth squads – Joan Herp Morell

22 April 2016

The 2016 Rio Olympics will have the participation of Joan Herp Morell, a 22 year old sailor, from the youth squad of Club Nàutic Costa Brava-Club de Vela Palamós. He will sail in Rio together with Jordi Xammar in the 470 men class.


Els danesos Orting i Bjerre guanyen el Campionat d`Europa de Zoom8 a Palamós

27 March 2016

Or i bronze per a les tripulacions daneses i plata per a les russes, que varen copar els podis tant en categoria masculiina com femenina

L´únic representant estatal va ser el palamosí Xavier Pallí, que va acabar setzè d`entre 40 participants


El Campionat d`Europa de Zoom8 torna a Palamós

18 March 2016

El Campionat d`Europa de Zoom8 torna a Palamós

Serà la tercera vegada que el CNCB/CVP organitzen aquest campionat
El palamosí Xavier Pallí serà l’únic representant estatal

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